Message from Vicki-

"Last night  I had a dream. It was a dream like no other. It Felt so real. i've always been alone, but not anymore. the world is slowly dying. a terrible virus has swept across the world bringing grief and sadness. It's been reported it was done by a vigilante group. could humans have actually done this? or could it have been done by a higher being? i was visited by several guardians. they were like family to me for i lost mine. we knew we were the last hope, so we began a quest, a quest to save planet earth."  

Welcome to Vickis Dream

Beginning in October of 2017, both the worlds of shadow and light collided in a catastrophic collision thus creating Vickis Dream. The inventors and narrators behind the soundtrack and story to the world of Vicki's Dream began with Toxic Thomas followed by Brince, Crow, Fantazma, and newly added member, Reaper. The five creative minds of this motley crew bonded over several different music genres while developing their own signtaure blend of Punk, Goth, New wave, and Metal, which became the musical forefront of their driving "post-apocalyptic" rock sound. They have had the honor to open for notable famous acts including Wednesday 13, Psyclon Nine, Blitzkid, Suzi Moon, The Raging Nathans, The Queers, and Nekromantix. Vicki's Dream is here to break down the walls of reality while diving deep into the human condition. Vicki's Dream invites the listener on a quest to witness both the beauty and chaos found within the darkness and encourages them to learn to embrace the light within themselves each and every day.

But just who is Vicki you ask? Vicki is a young woman who has fallen into a deep slumber and has awakened to a post-apocalyptic world of our beloved earth left in destruction and dissarray. It's up to her to stop this from happening and restore everything back into perfect balance. Vicki represents a beacon of power and hope to all on her quest to save the earth and humankind from evil demonic forces working in conjunction with a tyrannical terrorist organization. Fasten your seatbelts for an epic musical journey because the boat is going down the river, and there's no telling how far the river goes.

All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream.” - Edgar Allen Poe

'A Dream Within A Dream'